Clergy & Staff


Father DiLorenzo with Susanna Pumo

Father Anthony DiLorenzo has served as priest in charge at Christ Church for six years, and Susanna Pumo has been a parishioner for fifteen years and parish administrator for thirteen.


Bill Battaglia

Bill Battaglia has been our organist for six years. After services the congregation enjoys a brief solo by Bill before coffee hour.


The vestry acts as the governing board for the church. Members are elected at the annual meeting for a three-year term. They meet the third Wednesday of every month in the Fellowship Hall. The term vestry is peculiar to the Anglican church and refers to the room where the clergy would change into their vestments and meet with the church leaders.

The term warden means steward or guardian, and wardens are the chief stewards and servants of their congregations. The wardens act as liaisons between the rector and the congregation and meet regularly with the rector to review the life and work of the congregation, plan ahead, anticipate and resolve problems. They are also senior officers of the vestry and as such provide leadership to the vestry to identify the vision, mission, and goals of the congregation.

The Vestry for 2020:


Fred Leute

Senior Warden (2022)


Roger Giacomini

Junior Warden (2021)

  • Dilys White (2021)

  • Sarah Davis (2022)

  • Michael Welch (2023)

  • Gene Seiler (2023)